Populate a database created from the XSD model#

2 sample datasets are used in this use case:

  • Geological Unit

  • Environmental Facilities

Environmental Factilities#

### Load PostGIS dump

psql -U qgis -W -f poc_gwml2_20161207.sql inspire

Create database structure#

ogr2ogr PG:'host=localhost user=qgis password=qgis dbname=inspire' \
    GMLAS: \
    -f PostgreSQL \
    -oo XSD=http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ef/4.0/EnvironmentalMonitoringFacilities.xsd \
    -nlt CONVERT_TO_LINEAR -lco SCHEMA=poc_gwml2_inspire -lco OVERWRITE=YES

Populate database#

In this step, we convert original database model to the INSPIRE one. SQL queries are created to do the conversion. An ETL process could also be an option.

INSERT INTO poc_gwml2_inspire.environmentalmonitoringfacility (
ogc_fid, id, identifier, identifier_codespace, location_location_pkid, inspireid_pkid,
representativepoint) SELECT
cid, gml_id, code_bss_sans_slash, 'BSS', gml_id, inspire_id,
FROM poc_gwml2.ef_environmentalmonitoringfacility_2;
INSERT INTO poc_gwml2_inspire.environmentalmonitoringfacility_ef_name (
ogc_fid, ogr_pkid, parent_id, value) SELECT
cid, cid, cid, libelle
FROM poc_gwml2.ef_environmentalmonitoringfacility_2 WHERE libelle is not null;

Export to GML#

ogr2ogr -f GMLAS ef.gml PG:'host=localhost user=qgis password=qgis dbname=inspire' \

## Geological Unit

Create ge-core schema in PostGIS#

Create database structure#

$ ogr2ogr PG:'host=localhost user=qgis password=qgis dbname=inspire' GMLAS: -f PostgreSQL -oo XSD=http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ge-core/3.0/GeologyCore.xsd -nlt MULTIPOLYGON -lco SCHEMA=ge-core -lco OVERWRITE=YES
856 tables created

Populate database#

Copy of data from “ge” schema into “ge-core”

List of updated tables :

  • Geologicevent

  • Geologicevent_eventprocess

  • Geologichistory

  • Geologicunit

  • Geologicunit_composition

  • Geologicunit_geologichistory_geologichistory

  • Inspireid

  • Quantityrange

In this step, we convert original database model to the INSPIRE one. SQL queries are created to do the conversion. An ETL process could also be an option.

-- geologicunit
INSERT INTO "ge-core".geologicunit(ogc_fid, id, description, identifier_codespace, identifier, inspireid_pkid, name, geologicunittype_href, geologicunittype_title)
SELECT ogc_fid, id, description, identifier_codespace, identifier, inspireid_pkid, name, geologicunittype_href, geologicunittype_title FROM "ge".geologicunit

-- geologicunit_composition
/!\ Dans ge-core : parent_id alors que dans ge : parent_ogr_pkid
INSERT INTO "ge-core".geologicunit_composition(ogc_fid, ogr_pkid, parent_id, compositionpart_material_href, compositionpart_material_title, compositionpart_proportion_quantityrange_pkid, compositionpart_role_href, compositionpart_role_title)
SELECT ogc_fid, ogr_pkid, parent_ogr_pkid, compositionpart_material_href, compositionpart_material_title, compositionpart_proportion_quantityrange_pkid, compositionpart_role_href, compositionpart_role_title
FROM "ge".geologicunit_composition

-- geologicevent
INSERT INTO "ge-core".geologicevent(ogc_fid, id, eventenvironment_href, eventenvironment_title, oldernamedage_href, oldernamedage_title, youngernamedage_href, youngernamedage_title)
SELECT ogc_fid, id, eventenvironment_href, eventenvironment_title, oldernamedage_href, oldernamedage_title, youngernamedage_href, youngernamedage_title
FROM "ge".geologicevent

-- geologicevent_eventprocess
INSERT INTO "ge-core".geologicevent_eventprocess(ogc_fid, ogr_pkid, parent_id, href, title)
SELECT ogc_fid, ogr_pkid, parent_ogr_pkid, href, title
FROM "ge".geologicevent_eventprocess

-- geologichistory
INSERT INTO "ge-core".geologichistory(ogc_fid, ogr_pkid, geologicevent_pkid)

SELECT ogc_fid, ogr_pkid, geologicevent_pkid
FROM "ge".geologichistory

-- geologicunit_geologichistory_geologichistory;
INSERT INTO "ge-core".geologicunit_geologichistory_geologichistory(ogc_fid, occurrence, parent_pkid, child_pkid)
SELECT ogc_fid, occurrence, parent_pkid, child_pkid
FROM "ge".geologicunit_geologichistory_geologichistory

-- inspireid;
 INSERT INTO "ge-core".inspireid(ogc_fid, ogr_pkid, identifier_localid, identifier_namespace)
SELECT ogc_fid, ogr_pkid, identifier_localid, identifier_namespace
FROM "ge".inspireid

 -- quantityrange
INSERT INTO "ge-core".quantityrange(ogc_fid, ogr_pkid, uom_code, uom_href, uom_title, value)
SELECT ogc_fid, ogr_pkid, uom_code, uom_href, uom_title, value
FROM "ge".quantityrange


  • In geologicunit_composition table :

    • parent_id column in ge schema <> parent_ogr_pkid in ge-core schema

  • Necessary adjustments to do to get a proper result:

Export to GML#

ogr2ogr -f GMLAS geolunit2.gml \
   PG:'host=localhost user=qgis password=qgis dbname=inspire' \
   geologicunit \
   -oo ACTIVE_SCHEMA=ge-core \
   -dsco INPUT_XSD=http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ge-core/3.0/GeologyCore.xsd